We're Engaged: A Shared Love and a Shared Love for Food

We're Engaged!

It's official!

After over 2 years dating, I finally popped the question and (in case you couldn't tell from the blog's title) Liz said "YES!" Liz and I have been business partners, but also a couple and it's been a shared love for all things food that has truly been the glue that has bonded our relationship.

Last Friday we decided to walk to one of our favorite local restaurants in Manchester, The Foundry. It wasn't too far from Liz's apartment and it wasn't too cold out.  Oh, but it was absolutely pouring rain.  With umbrella in hand, we walked to the restaurant. As we ate at the bar, I kept looking out the window, praying that the rain would subside. Instead, all i got was thunder and lighting...

As we left the restaurant, I thought to myself "this is it." I mean, the hard stuff was out of the way, I had her parents' blessing and I had the ring (a reset diamond from my late mother's engagement ring.)

It was time to pop the question.

We set out into the rain.  About half way home, I had her hold the umbrella as I pretended to fumble for my phone in my jacket pocket. It was then that I pulled out the ring, put a knee down on the soaking wet ground and asked!

It was truly a surreal moment. Liz went from my girlfriend to my fiance in a matter of moments! Reality set in as we then had to walk through the rain back home but not without stepping in a few massive puddles which literally went half-way up my leg.

It was all worth it. Some people ask the question in a romantic foreign country, others atop a mountain. I decided to do it in a flash flood!

We're extremely excited for what the future has to offer. We are so, so blessed to have the amazing support of family, friends and our Wayward Gourmet family!


-Liz & Pat


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